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LL Compatability

PostPosted: Tue Jun 26, 2012 12:35 am
by JeremyR
For me, that was a big reason I was interested in this. While I wouldn't want to do it all the time, the idea of LL/S&S crossovers appeals to me greatly (I pretty much own every SF d20 game/supplement there was)

For the most part it seems pretty close, but I would like to see Agility be Dexterity (I can understand Wisdom being Psionic Potential, but Agility just seems pointless) and 14 levels being standard instead of 12 (since that is traditionally what B/X and thus LL covered). And XP and hit points more in line with those in LL.

Basically I'd like to be able to take a LL/D&D module and run with with S&S characters.

OTOH, since I guess this isn't an OGL product, that might not be possible. But if it's not compatible with LL, then I'm just never going to actually use S&S. I've already got several Star Trek games, what I wanted one that was D&D/LL compatible.

Re: LL Compatability

PostPosted: Tue Jun 26, 2012 2:19 pm
by Goblinoid Games
Hi Jeremy, a couples notes and questions:

Do you consider Mutant Future compatible with Labyrinth Lord? That will help me gauge where you're coming from on compatibility. It sounds like two of the main issues you have are hp and XP. There will be conversion notes in the back of the books, but in very rough form here is how you would address these. In S&S there is not inflation of hp as default when characters go up in level. If you want characters to be able to take more damage, you would allow an additional 1d6 hp per level. For XP, in S&S characters don't get XP for treasure, so everything is scaled differently. If you want to award XP as in LL, then officers would use the fighter XP progression, and enlisted men would use the XP table for thieves. Then you would use the system for calculating XP in Labyrinth Lord.