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Re: Part 3: Facing the Past

PostPosted: Sun Mar 15, 2015 4:59 pm
by funfungiguy
"Do you have any idea what sort of flowers these are that she draws, Mrs. Burke," Lucas asks. "And do you know if she had any specific places she liked to go and draw when she was at Tilamook? Did she perhaps leave a journal or anything that we might take a look at?

Re: Part 3: Facing the Past

PostPosted: Sun Mar 15, 2015 7:16 pm
by greyarea
Hal says, It smells like Seven might be here. We might want to move soon.

Hal researches Tillamook as quickly as he can.

Re: Part 3: Facing the Past

PostPosted: Sun Mar 15, 2015 9:49 pm
by segeorge
Presumably Webb is on his cell with the Park office. Smelling the floral scent, he suggests that Jack call Lucas to warn them that Audrey’s ghost may be manifesting (?). If Webb isn’t on his cell, he’ll make the call himself.

Webb says (either to Jack, if he’s calling Lucas; or to Lucas directly):
From her mother’s description, Audrey’s bedroom may be the safest place for them to encounter her ghost.

Webb tries to identify the direction of the scent, and to see if there are any visual clues to her presence.

To Hal and Jack (asking the Park ofice tto hold, if still talking to them):
I suggest we prepare to enter. It might be best to wait until 1) we see her ghost enter he house; 2) the floral smell dissipates (which could mean she's entered the house without being visible); or 3) Magnus and Lucas call for back up.

Re: Part 3: Facing the Past

PostPosted: Fri Mar 20, 2015 12:11 am
by merias
Magnus makes a mental note to share the pictures of the flowers with the others.

"Mrs. Burke, do you mind if I look at that charm bracelet? It looks lovely."

Magnus will pull Burke aside, "Maybe this can placate Audrey's sprit?" he whispers, examining the bracelet.

Re: Part 3: Facing the Past

PostPosted: Sun Mar 22, 2015 5:01 pm
by sniderman

Lucas and Magnus both examine the sketches of the flowers, which seem to be a recurring theme in Audrey's drawings.

[[SPECIFIC check versus Lucas' and Magnus' Investigation Skills. Results:
Investigation Skill: 78 and 67, respectively - Rolled 72 (MAGNUS FAILS)
Lucas Margin of Success = 6 on Skill Check Column 3 = M Result (MODERATELY SUCCESSFUL) ]]

Lucas chuckles when he realizes the irony. He turns to Magnus. "You know what those flowers are? Forget-me-nots. My grandmother used to have a small patch of these in her garden, in fact."

Magnus' eyebrows lift in surprise. "And that floral scent...?"

Lucas nods in recognition. "Yup, that's what it is. Grandma's garden reeked of those flowers. I knew I recognized it, but I didn't put the pieces together until I saw this drawing."

Lucas turns back to Mrs. Burke. "Ma'am, do you know if Audrey had any specific places she liked to go and draw when she was at Tilamook?"

"Why yes, Audrey said that these flowers only grew where it was dampest, so she'd hike to University Falls in the forest. She said they grew wild in patches around the waterfall there."

[[SPECIFIC check versus Lucas' and Magnus' Perception abilities. Results:
Perception ability: 60 and 62, respectively - Rolled 68 (BOTH FAIL) ]]

Magnus reaches out to Mrs. Burke. "Mrs. Burke, do you mind if I look at that charm bracelet? It looks lovely."

[[GENERAL check versus Magnus' Personality ability. Results:
Personality ability: 52 - Rolled 83 (FAILED)]]

Mrs. Burke pulls back hesitantly. "Oh, I won't ever take this off. It's my connection with Audrey. Now then, I think I've been very accommodating about all of this. Why don't you tell me what's this all about? What of Audrey? You said you have information on her...that you've found her?"


Hal, Webb, and Jack are listening in to the conversation taking place in Audrey's former bedroom. All three catch a whiff of a floral scent in the air that grows stronger each moment.

"It smells like Seven might be here. We might want to move soon," Hal says as he calls up a map of Tillamook State Park. His eyes quickly scan over the map of the park.

[[SPECIFIC check versus Hal's Perception ability. Results:
Perception ability: 62 - Rolled 1 !!!
Hal's Margin of Success = 61 on Ability Check Column 2 = CK Result (CRITICAL SUCCESS!) ]]

Hal's eyes narrow. "Guys, there's a small waterfall in the park, and there's a wide open glade at the foot of it. Audrey disappeared in the spring, but remember what Baxter said? He said he 'buried her in the fall.' He wasn't talking about the season. The bastard told us point-blank where he buried her!"

Jack nods in understanding. Webb glances about as the floral scent gets stronger. It seems to come from nowhere and everywhere, impossible to pinpoint its direction.

"We might want to warn the guys inside that Audrey's on her way," Webb says. "I suggest we prepare to enter. It might be best to wait until we see her ghost enter the house, or Magnus and Lucas call for back up."


[[Rolling a hidden reaction roll for Mrs. Burke now...
Keeping the results hidden...]]

"I...I think I want you two to leave now," she says nervously as she leaves the bedroom and proceeds down the stairs. Lucas and Magnus are directly behind her, trying to convince her of their honest intentions.

The trio outside see a shimmering manifestation appear on the porch of the house. It's Audrey in her true spirit form -- that of a waterlogged young woman. The wraith materializes, then seems to step through the door of the house, entering it without turning the knob. Hal, Jack, and Webb charge toward the house. They reach the porch...

As Mrs. Burke, Lucas, and Magnus descend the stairs, the floral scent of forget-me-nots fills the house. From their vantage point on the staircase, the three of them watch in horror as the drenched corpse of Audrey Burke steps through the doorway. She turns to stare at her mother and brings one arm back, the hand and arm morphing into a ghost-like blade.

[[Fear check for Mrs. Burke now...
Keeping the results hidden...]]

Mrs. Burke takes a hesitant, but brave, step toward the ghost. "Audrey?" she asks. The ghost freezes in confusion, and Audrey's face softens for a moment.

(Mrs. Burke passed her fear check by a wide margin. Because of this, you have initiative this round. Good luck!)

Re: Part 3: Facing the Past

PostPosted: Sun Mar 22, 2015 8:38 pm
by funfungiguy
Lucas grabs Mrs. Burke's arm and wrist, making a wrestling roll on an eighty-year-old woman if necessary, and holds Aubrey's charm bracelet in font of Aubrey, at about neck level so Aubrey's ghost is sure to see it.

"Your mother has never forgotten you Aubrey! Don't do this; she's never given up hope of finding you!

Re: Part 3: Facing the Past

PostPosted: Mon Mar 23, 2015 9:54 pm
by greyarea
Hal yells into the listening device: Get out of there, you guys. You'll be slaughtered before we can save Aubrey!

Re: Part 3: Facing the Past

PostPosted: Tue Mar 24, 2015 12:58 am
by merias
"Mrs. Burke, I think we need to there a back exit? Quickly!" Magnus says, drawing his gun but keeping it at his side.

Then, to Lucas, quietly, "I don't think she'll harm her mother, if she is stalled by the bracelet, we can run out the back."

Re: Part 3: Facing the Past

PostPosted: Tue Mar 24, 2015 2:30 am
by segeorge
[OOC: Tim, can you confirm our relative positions. I was visualizing Audrey's ghost in the foyer, facing her mother, with Magnus and Jack behind her on the stairs. If I have that right, Lucas would have run past Audrey to grapple Mrs. Burke; putting Webb behind the dripping ghost. ]

Webb rushes in after Lucas, pausing just inside the door, taking in the scene, and contemplating his options (and not really liking any of them all that much).

He's inclined to agree with Hal and Magnus, but won't abandon his colleagues. If Audrey is facing away from Webb, he plans to monitor the situation. If she attacks, he'll try to distract her by telling her they know where her body is buried. If she allows Magnus, Jack, and Lucas to retreat, he'll back quickly through the front door.

Re: Part 3: Facing the Past

PostPosted: Wed Mar 25, 2015 6:21 pm
by funfungiguy
((OOC: Segeorge, it was Lucas and Magnus that went inside the house to question Mrs. Burke, and followed her down the stairs, not Jack. So Lucas didn't have to run past Aubrey to grab Mrs. Burke.))