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Metabolisms of other races

PostPosted: Mon Dec 03, 2012 6:07 am
by Red-24
While putting information together for SM screen inserts, I was trying to compile a list of all the race's metabolisms. I've got:

Copper: Taurans (Videni)
Cobolt: Andromedans, Dreipeds,
Iron: Daelans, Gorrans, Humans, Hykhot, Rigel (Zangid)

Are there any "official" metabolisms for:

Thought Bender


Re: Metabolisms of other races

PostPosted: Sat Dec 15, 2012 6:32 pm
by Red-24
Just a bump to see if there is an answer for this...

Re: Metabolisms of other races

PostPosted: Mon Dec 17, 2012 4:27 pm
by Goblinoid Games
Personally, if the need to know arises I would assign iron-based metabolisms as the default, under the assumption that this is the most common for life. The Silotrons are different since they are silicon-based life, but none-the-less it partly depends on the breathable atmosphere. If an organism uses oxygen, then hypothetically there are only a few viable options under most conditions hospitable to life. If the organism metabolizes some other gas, then there are more exotic possibilities, but it is up to you how complicated you want to make it. IMHO for most situations I'd stick to the main 3 types, assigning iron-based most often.