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Dwarf Troll-Slayer

PostPosted: Thu Dec 23, 2010 4:37 am
by Blood axe
Xp chart as Dwarf
Saves as Dwarf
Prime requisites- as Dwarf
levels 10,11,12 +6hp per level
Armor- no armor of any kind
Weapons- any melee, or thrown (typically several different axes) No bows, crossbows, long range missiles
Abilities- immune to all types of fear/terror
+2 hit & damge/+1 AC vs. "fearsome beasts" (Hydras,Dragons,Chimeras,Beholders,etc.)
+2 hit & damage/+1 AC vs. Giants, Ogres,Trolls (of all types)

Dwarves are a race of great pride. Sometimes a Dwarf suffers a great personal tragedy where he feels he has lost his honor. He will then take the "Slayer's Oath". The Slayer considers himself already dead & gone to all family & kin. He shaves his hair into a mohawk & dyes it bright orange. This is the mark of the Slayer.(along with many tattoos & piercings) He will wear no armor of any kind & will hunt down & attempt to kill all manner of fearsome beasts (Hydras, Chimeras,etc.) or enemies of the Dwarf race (Giants,Ogres,Trolls). A Slayer has no fear. If a Slayer dies in combat vs. a "worthy foe" his honor is restored. But taking the Slayer Oath does not mean suicide or stupidity. A Dwarf will always fight to win. A Slayer will plan & use strategy, not just charge in & throw his life away. A beginning Slayer wont hunt down the nearest Dragon to dies as quickly as possible, but will start "small" ,perhaps the local Ogre that has been harrassing Dwarf caravans.


The HD might seem high, but this a "fighter" that is as tough an iron anvil. Also take the complate lack of armor into consideration.

Obviously based on the Warhammer Dwarf Slayer.