LL/AEC PbP looking for players

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LL/AEC PbP looking for players

Postby rredmond » Tue Apr 03, 2012 10:39 am

On the UnseenServant site (http://www.unseenservant.us) there's a new campaign starting up. Sorry for the cross post, but I figured this'd be a good place to advertise this game :D :

game is here: http://www.unseenservant.us/forum/viewt ... f=21&t=501

StoryMasterV wrote: I am interested in running a play-by-post game here using the Labyrinth Lord system with Advanced Edition Companion, as well as a few house rules.


My campaigns tend to be challenging, but that’s largely because I tend to let the dice fall where they may. Though I will sometimes extend leniency when pure misfortune spites a PC at every turn. (Most memorable example being the Orc who one shot’ed an uninjured fighter PC at long range with a thrown spear, after winning initiative and rolling 3 consecutive twenties for near max damage on the first round of combat.)

The game will be sandbox and fairly freeform, with interesting locales and all new monsters to kill and steal from. However, I’ve picked up more then a few house rules over the course of my DM’ing career so here is a quick list to give you an idea of what you will be playing with.

Summery of house rules I use.
- Ability score checks are 3d6, roll lower then the relevant stat. Very difficult checks may involve 4, 5 or even 6d6.

- A natural 20 on an attack roll will always Hit a target regardless of AC, a second attack roll must then be successfully made to Confirm the Crit to deal double normal weapon damage. If a second natural 20 is rolled, this is increased to triple damage and so on.

- Characters can make wisdom or intelligence checks to administer first aid allowing an injured ally to recover 1 HP

- Characters are knocked unconscious upon reaching 0HP. A PC reduced to negative HPs greater then his or her level will suffer potentially fatal Injury. My home brew wound table includes injuries ranging from broken bones and minor concussions, to deep comas and lost limbs. However, affective first aid such as timely cauterization or bandaging for serious bleeding can sometimes save such from the brink of death. (hint hint)

- Spell casters (Clerics, Illusionists and Magic Users all gain an additional 1st level spell per day if there relevant ability score is 16 or greater)

- Magic Users & Illusionists can cast unprepared spells from their spell book with a casting time of 1 turn per spell level. The Caster must make a save versus spells, with a penalty to the save equal to the spell level. The caster also adds his or her Intelligence bonus to the roll.

-All Classes can attempt to use spell scrolls by making ability checks of variable difficulty. Failure may lead to unfortunate miscast results. They must have some method of understanding the language the scroll is written in. Divine scrolls created by followers of a god whose alignment drastically differs from the PC attempting to cast the spell can cause the opposite to intended affect.

The following changes are made to the classes.
- Clerics HD are improved, as is there attack table. But spell advancement does not begin until second level. (So, no spells at first level unless you have 16 or better Wisdom)

- Fighters HD are increased, and they gain a bonus attack upon slaying an a foe in place of multiple attacks per round. (starting at 3rd level)

- Thieves HD are increased.

- Monks lose trap and pick lock thief skills, their speak with plants and animals abilities, but gain wall running and greatly increased HD.

- Rangers are completely reworked, gaining improved abilities with ranged weapons, a faster base move speed, and at higher levels animal affinities, but lose all spell casting abilities.

- I do not allow druids as PC's.

game is here: http://www.unseenservant.us/forum/viewt ... f=21&t=501

The game hasn't quite started yet. GM is looking for players. There is another cool campaign by Argennian that started up, but he is looking for a second group to tool around in his world, though he uses mainly OSRIC. Hope to see folks there!
Oak Rapp - screaming "die" in orcish b/c it sounds cooler.
Phaser on stun *pew pew*. Phaser on kill *poo poo*!
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