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[Now Available] Vampires of the Olden Lands

PostPosted: Tue Jan 29, 2013 5:46 pm
by mystaros
Monsters & Treasure Appendix #1
Vampires of the Olden Lands
By James Mishler and Jodi Moran-Mishler

This 26-page supplement includes seven vampire species, a race of villainous vampire-men, and the half-vampire dhamphir race, all designed for use with Castles & Crusades and Labyrinth Lord! This volume includes:

Bhabaphirs – Soul-sucking child-slaying vampiric wise-women of the mountain villages that truck with night hags and liches;

Ekimmu – The Vampire Lords, founders of all the vampiric lines, masters of the High Vales of the Mountains of Blood, immortal spirits born of Chaos and Evil;

Lhamiras – Mothers of Monsters, the Vampire-Witches of the South who hunt men for sport and for game, dams of dhamphirs and lamias;

Lhamphirs – The Plague Bearers, the rotting husks of men and women who died of plague and now haunt the families and friends who abandoned them;

Mhoroiphirs – The Living Vampires, men and women who seek to continue to live their lives though they are undead, the classic blood-suckers of myth and legend;

Strighoiphirs – The Dead Vampires, mhoroiphirs who have moved on and fully embraced their undead existence and retreated from the world of living men to seek solitude;

Szalbaphirs – The Vampire Gamins, sad creatures born of horror, children transformed into blood-sucking monsters who seek an end to their undead existence even as they gather around them more of their kind that they create seeking solace and safety with siblings;

Vhukodlakhs – Vampire-Men, created as servants by the ekimmu in ages long passed, they now haunt the mountains and highlands of the Olden Lands, serving vampires and other dread lords as they prey upon man and beast alike;

Dhamphirs – Born of the union of mortal and vampire, these scions of Chaos and Evil are often anything but, as many spend their lives hunting vampires and the undead, either to assuage their own souls or for the cold, hard coin of the villagers. But every day they fight against the blood lust of their vampiric heritage, and no few have fallen into darkness or to the fangs of their own sires…

* 26 pages (20 pages of content) *
* $4.00 MSRP, on sale now for $3.00 *
* JMG00701 *

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