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Re: Welcome to Daggerford!

PostPosted: Mon Sep 10, 2012 5:53 pm
by greyarea
Marcus, paladin

Let's be off. Hopefully this business at Red Larch will not take long.

Re: Welcome to Daggerford!

PostPosted: Mon Sep 10, 2012 6:15 pm
by Spanningtree
Nahin - Elf

I agree we should travel together. Lets divide the coins now so each man can take their fill of the bounty. We can pool some coins in the city to identify the majicks we have come across and divide those after.

OCC: I hate to ask but can we get a comprehensive list of what was found? Nahin will show the contents of the scroll tube (BTW: is it separate scrolls or one big scroll?). I'm thinking we would only take gold, platinum and gems. Restore the secret passage we used to enter and place the silver and copper there. What do you guys think? If encumbrance is no issue we should take it all.

Re: Welcome to Daggerford!

PostPosted: Tue Sep 11, 2012 1:15 am
by tumblingdice
OC: Traveling light sounds good to me. Leave the smaller coins behind.

Re: Welcome to Daggerford!

PostPosted: Tue Sep 11, 2012 2:46 am
by badams30
Happy Trails to Red Larch

I've given everyone their XP totals, so update your sheets and info.

I have also updated ALL the loot on the loot page. Including a couple items from the Lizard Swamp that were never split up.

Please let me know what stays at the keep, what you take, and what your travel plans are.

Update your characters as soon as you can, and then we'll be off to Red Larch. And then, of course, bigger and better things!

(and Nahin - all the spells were on one big scroll)

Re: Welcome to Daggerford!

PostPosted: Tue Sep 11, 2012 3:22 am
by Spanningtree
Nahin - Elf

Let's load the cart up with everything except the non-magic weapons onto the cart. I think we can take it easy on the horse at a leisurely rate and make it to Red Larch. Nahin will get started on the loading of the cart making sure to disguise everything like it's foodstuffs or the like. Taking one more look at the keep and praying that his uncle made it safely into the afterlife he will take one more drink from the well water of this place. If the others agree on the load out he'll pronounce himself ready to hit the trail.

Re: Welcome to Daggerford!

PostPosted: Tue Sep 11, 2012 12:16 pm
by badams30
On the road again...

As you all gather the loot and magic, Grinkle has been carrying the weapons into the barracks area and stacking them neatly for later. He mumbles that perhaps they can be used to build an armory or something.

You load the cart and hook Ruby up to it. She seems a bit reluctant, probably due to her still weak condition, but when Grinkle arrives, she cheerfully lets herself be hooked to the wagon, and is raring to go. Grinkle puts a large quantity of feed hay into the wagon as well, and he brings a large brown canvas tarp to cover the whole wagon. He also has a large brown piece of folded canvas with some poles and says "Look what I found in the stables - it's a shelter." And he loads it into the wagon. (NOTE: it's just a shelter with two poles, ropes and stakes. It doesnt' have sides or a floor, but it would keep the rain off of you if you needed it.)

You pleasantly note that Grinkle is wearing clean clothing (Brown trousers, soft boots, a grey shirt, and his new green robe and hooded cloak. When the hood is up, it will cover most of his features. His hands are still very apparently non-human and kind of scary looking, but in a crowd, he'd probably pass. He also has his sword on his waist, and a backpack with a bedroll atop it. If you didn't know better, you'd think the little fella was an adventurer....

With that, Grinkle makes sure that all the doors are closed to the place, and that fires are out, including the gatehouse. You all leave via the front gate, and Dak offers to close the portcullis and gate, coming up from the secret entrance. You all have time to clean up the secret entrance as well, and it has basically disappeared. You are ready to go.

Setting off on the main trail from the keep, you are out of the forest in less than an hour. But due to the extra distance you'll travel, it will take you an extra half day to make it to the old Lumber camp you stayed at days ago.

You all move out at a leisurely but steady pace, and though it is a cool day, it is cloudy, but clear of rain. You stop briefly to have a quick cold lunch, then continue on. By late day, as the sun is starting its slow descent, you stop for the night, finding a nice spot on the trail, about 1000 ft from the forest in a clear area with lots of small pines to shelter you from any wind, and giving you some small bit of concealment. No sooner do the wheels on the cart stop moving than Grinkle sets out to unhook the horse, get her fed, and erect the shelter. He looks happy, and performs his duties with gusto.

Would you like to make a fire or no? Standard watch? (Grinkle says he'll stand watch whenever Marcus does.) Another day and you'll be to the tradeway, and a half-day beyond that, in Red Larch.

Re: Welcome to Daggerford!

PostPosted: Tue Sep 11, 2012 2:18 pm
by greyarea
Marcus, paladin

We're still on a mission so I say no fire. We need to be alert and battle ready. Let's do a standard watch. (By which he means a watch in the same order as the marching order.)

This will be our second successful campaign. I suppose that means we're a party and, once word gets out, one of some repute. My thought is that we call ourselves The Dutybound, so that those that hire us know we are trustworthy and so that Torm will always bestow his blessings on us. Or we can call ourselves The Champions of the Downtrodden, so as to show our support for those who have been ill-treated, like Dak and our new companion Grinkle. Does anyone else have suggestions?

Re: Welcome to Daggerford!

PostPosted: Tue Sep 11, 2012 3:03 pm
by Spanningtree
Nahin - Elf

Standard watch it is. Nahin will say over a cup of tea while he munches on whatever passes for a ration. A party, a name... I would have never thought. The Dutybound has a ring to it that brings a smile. My hand would be in for that. Nahin will help with whatever needs to be done around the camp and unload Grinkles shoulders if in need.

Re: Welcome to Daggerford!

PostPosted: Thu Sep 13, 2012 1:31 am
by tumblingdice
"Well, as long as we don't call ourselves late for last orders," Rory says with a wink, "we can call ourselves anything you like."

Re: Welcome to Daggerford!

PostPosted: Thu Sep 13, 2012 2:56 am
by kjc
OOC: Hmmm..."6 Gringos and a Grinkle," "Grinkle's Gringos," the "Dak Attack Pak?" Gotta say I'm still fond of the "Fightin' Zombie Opposums!" Otherwise I'm for the "Duty Bound" as long as Dak can say it without giggling. "Heehee he said 'duty' bwahahaha!"