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From the Playground: Building Pantheons From Low to High

PostPosted: Thu Feb 20, 2014 7:31 pm
by Agrippa
I found an interesting thread in Giant in the Playground's World-Building sub forum. The basic idea is to build a pantheon starting from the weakest gods up to the strongest. Now I'd like to see us try that, but with a twist. Instead having to be children of higher ranking gods single domain gods can be of a lesser godly race created by and subservient to a higher ranking god. They must however have one of the lieges domains. I have a few special rules for this game/whatever the the hell you want to call it. No god may have more than five domains, the more powerful the god (i.e. the more domains it has) the broader and deeper the god's power in that domain and the weaker a god is (i.e. the fewer domains it has) the narrower and weaker it's power is. Single domain gods/divine creatures would be a match for street level superheroes or their nearest eguivalent in your chosen fantasy RPG.

Re: From the Playground: Building Pantheons From Low to High

PostPosted: Thu Feb 20, 2014 7:34 pm
by Agrippa
Name: Haakon, The Silver Watchman Shrouded in Shadow
Appearance: Haakon appears in the form a young and athletically built human male with shoulder length silver hair to match the rest of his body. Except for the eyes. Those have scleras or molten gold, irises of white with gray marbling and and granite pupils. Haakon is clad in a charcoal tunic and leggings cloaked with a black mist or cloud that wrap around him as mantle. However Haakon's cloak isn't a separate physical item, rather it's a manifestation of the lesser god's power. Haakon can also use this cloak of darkness as armor and create temporary weapons and grappling tools as a further extension of it. This is what Haakon's cloak looks like, just midnight blue to black instead of dark red.
Domain: Justice
Personality: Oddly, or fittingly, enough for a god of justice Haakon is known for his mercy and compassion towards certain non-violent criminals. Like thieves and con artists who steal to survive. He sees them not as evil doers but as poor wretches in need of care with the potential to be some much more. In general Haakon pays little to no attention to thieves who cause no harm to their victims. Of those thieves who do harm their victims Haakon holds no sympathy, unless the theft was in response to a heinous crime. In that case he'd fully support them and their just actions.

Haakon also possesses a wry and sometimes self depricating sense of humor. This often results in him making light of some of his lesser failures and setbacks. He has a relatively small ego for a god and is known for accepting advice from mortals.
Relationship with mortals: Haakon has two small cults in the city of Ambertown. One comprised of honest city watch members and vigilantes dedicated to toppling crime lords, corrupt merchants and nobles and corrupt police while battling other criminals. His second cult consists of the people of Ambertown that Haakon has saved or sought justice for.
Parents: TBA
Sanctum: Haakon's sanctum is a five room apartment similar in style and function to a modern day loft-style apartment that serves as a home for him, a shrine for his cult, a base of operations for his plan to rid Ambertown of corruption and organized crime and shelter for those in need, including his own followers. If you want an idea of what Haakon's sanctum would be like think of a magical version of either Richard Castle's apartment or Leverage headquarters.

I haven't named Haakon's parents yet. I figure I should leave that up to you, but otherwise I'm pretty happy with how he turned out. Part of his backstory, if you feel like including it, is that Haakon left/ranaway from his divine parents to make his own way in the mortal world. He decided on Ambertown as his new home and is determined to bring justice to it. As you can guess Ambertown started out as a small town founded around an amber claim. It eventually grew into a large bustling metropolis home to several captains of industry. Think of it as something along the lines of Gotham City mixed with 50's-60's era Las Vegas in a more obviously fantasy setting.