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Mutant Future - Gimme Shelter

PostPosted: Mon Jul 16, 2012 1:36 pm
by sniderman
Hey Gang,

Here's a free one-evening adventure for your Mutant Future games. I ran this at Gen Con 2011. Titled "Gimme Shelter," it's a small dungeon crawl in the post-apocalyptic genre. I ran 4 first-level muties through it and it was a big hit. I'm running the sequel -- "Gimme Shelter II - The Rushmore Salvage Job" -- at Gen Con 2012 in a month.

Please excuse the multiple typos and grammar issues as the adventure was basically my rough notes hammered out and saved prior to the event. Because only I was reading it, I didn't clean it up. "Barter John" has become one of my favorite NPCs so feel free to use him as a long-running ally in your own games. Enjoy!
