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Re: Anyone Else Remember Gurps?

PostPosted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 10:11 pm
by gentleman john
I always liked GURPS Goblins. Georgian England inhabited by crazed Dickensian goblinoids obsessed with class and money. There were some brilliant ideas in it that have inspired more than a few of my LL convention games.

Re: Anyone Else Remember Gurps?

PostPosted: Thu Jan 19, 2012 4:38 pm
by jeff
The historical culture GURPS books (Imperial Rome, Greece, Vikings, Egypt, etc.) are a good source of info and I still use them with Savage Worlds.

Re: Anyone Else Remember Gurps?

PostPosted: Mon Apr 09, 2012 8:18 pm
by oldgamergeek
I didn't care for the rules but love the source books.

Re: Anyone Else Remember Gurps?

PostPosted: Sat May 12, 2012 3:46 pm
by smayragrace
I have never played this Game and have never heard about this Game ever..Can You please Tell me more about this game.........

Re: Anyone Else Remember Gurps?

PostPosted: Wed May 30, 2012 7:31 am
by Tinoenth
i have no idea about this but now i like playing mmorpg.

Re: Anyone Else Remember Gurps?

PostPosted: Tue Aug 07, 2012 2:26 am
by ArcherSix
GURPS was great. I've played it quite a few times over the years. I've heard that they have a new edition out. However, I've always palyed the original and don't know what they changed. It's a point-based system and there is no dice rolling involved in making a character.
And it is true that you can play any genre and characters from one genre can play in another. A fantasy wizard could end up on a space ship full of intergalactic rangers and you could resolve any combat with that one set of rules. Pretty neat stuff and it lends itself to scenarios like that I just came up with really well. Most of the GURPS games I've played in have been some kind of dimension-hopping campaing.
The drawbacks are that it is VERY rules heavy and if you play the rules straight, it can be very deadly to PCs(a typical human has 10 health points and a knife can easily do more than that with one stab if the striken character isn't wearing armor).

Re: Anyone Else Remember Gurps?

PostPosted: Sat Aug 11, 2012 4:32 am
by fmitchell
ArcherSix wrote:GURPS was great. I've played it quite a few times over the years. I've heard that they have a new edition out. However, I've always palyed the original and don't know what they changed.

Mostly they consolidated all the Advantages, Disadvantages, and Skills scattered over dozens of rulebooks, changing a bunch in the process to reduce redundancy. The major rules changes I remember off the top of my head:
  • ST (strength) and HT (health) cost a flat 10 character points per point above 10. DX and IQ are likewise a flat 20 pts. (In 1-3e each rating point got more expensive: 10, 10, 10, 15, 15, 15, 20, ...)
  • Fatigue is based on HT, and hit points are based on ST. (Before it was the other way around.) Kludges like "Extra Fatigue" and "Extra/Reduced HP" are still available but less necessary, and wizards no longer need to take up body-building.
  • Size Modifier is also a thing. Humans are 0. The modifier applies to ranged attacks, among other things.
  • ST costs less for characters with higher size modifiers or No Manipulators.
  • Will and Perception are based on IQ but practically attributes unto themselves.
  • Creating vehicles no longer requires solving differential equations. (I kid, but not by much.) Basic equipment you eyeball; robots and other miraculous machines cost Character Points especially if one plays said robot. A PDF supplement offers an optional spaceship creation system, but it's fairly simple.
I like GURPS, and have most of the 4e stuff (plus setting sourcebooks for 1-3e) ... but I'll probably never run a game because its front-loaded complexity is a little overwhelming. (At the table, it's generally pretty fast unless someone literally has more powers/spells/advantages than he knows what to do with.) The 4e Basic Set -- in two volumes -- is like drinking from a fire hose. Can I ask busy people to fire up a spreadsheet to create their character? Would I do that myself? No, not really.

Re: Anyone Else Remember Gurps?

PostPosted: Sat Aug 11, 2012 4:20 pm
by greyarea
I know GURPS Dungeon Fantasy ( is supposed to streamline the rules for quicker play. Have you tried that?

(I haven't, I'm just looking for feedback.)

Re: Anyone Else Remember Gurps?

PostPosted: Thu Nov 15, 2012 1:41 am
by bigstatic
GURPS was incredible. I'd have to agree that the first editions were the best; they always are. It was quite a bit less complicated than D&D, especially AD&D!

I'm living in Asheville, NC trying to find a GURPS group in which to participate. I have never wanted to be a GM, though. Too much work, no mater what system you're into.
