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WANTED: Eyewitness reports of the unexplained

PostPosted: Wed Jan 29, 2014 3:15 pm
by sniderman
Goblinoid Games wrote:Might be fun to publish a book of new THINGS...

Would people here want to contribute to something like that?

Stay tuned for an important announcement...

Re: WANTED: Eyewitness reports of the unexplained

PostPosted: Tue Feb 11, 2014 4:08 pm
by seneschal
Hmmm, eyewitness reports of the unexplained. Well, many kids have dreams where they feel they cann't move as they lay in their beds or that their entire bed is sinking down, down, down. I've experienced those. But in my bedroom as a child one of the pieces of furniture near my bed was an old Victrola record player, the kind you have to crank and wind up to play the thick, small records. When I was a kid it was as tall as I was. One night I swear I glanced over to see the Big Bad Wolf -- the Disney version, complete with dinky little hat and black vest -- peering around the thing, leering at me with his huge green eyes. Now, I'd listened to the story of the Three Little Pigs on my portable electric record player many times and I wasn't particularly afraid of the Wolf, who was pretty much an idiot. But having him slobbering at me from less than a yard away after my 8 p.m. bedtime was another thing entirely. My parents said it was only a dream but ...