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Timetricks back in print! And Action Table cards too!

PostPosted: Sat Sep 28, 2013 3:19 am
by sniderman

Not sure if everyone saw the announcement, but one of the best time travel supplements for ANY time travel RPG is back in print! The Timemaster supplement "Timetricks" is now available in POD at RPGNow! So rather than trying to find and secure a 20-year-old used copy, you can have a brand new printed and bound for your own!

Also, don't forget about the new Timemaster Action Table cards! One side of the 8 x 10 card has the rulebook cover illustration, and the reverse has a full-color Action Table on it for use at the gaming table.At a buck a piece, these would make perfect at-a-glance tools during a game without needing to look up the table in the rules or refer to one mounted on your GM screen!