Spell-like abilities

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Spell-like abilities

Postby SyntheticGod8 » Thu Jan 09, 2014 9:56 pm

Monsters like Demons and Devils don't have traditional spell-casting ability; they use Spell-Like Abilities.

Monster abilities typically don't require any declaration of intent and have no chance of interruption, unlike normal spell-casting. The obvious exception would be a monster that's described as 'casting spells as a x level Magic-user' or 'casts y as a x level Magic-user'. Does this mean that Demons and Devils can use a Spell-like power on their turn without a chance of interruption?

Or perhaps they are declared as 'casting' (chanting an evil litany), but cannot be interrupted? Presumably, being Silenced prevents using Spell-like Abilities, right?

Or perhaps it could provoke an AoO (similar to if an NPC runs away) if someone is in melee or with a readied action that can react to it, thereby interrupting the Spell-like ability if it hits.

My players are facing a Demon this weekened and I don't want it to be a complete stomp-fest where he doesn't even have the option of teleporting away because he lost initiative and got hit for 1hp. On the flip side, it's not very fair if he's casting Cone of Fear every round and there's nothing anyone can do except Silence him.

What do you guys think?
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Re: Spell-like abilities

Postby elf23 » Fri Jan 10, 2014 7:25 am

Personally I wouldn't rule that silence cancels out spell-like abilities. They're innate powers, and don't rely on gestures or words to activate.

Yes, this does make demons extremely powerful. I ran a session with a demon fighting the PCs and using his telekinesis ability repeatedly to lift a character into the air and then drop him. It was nasty.
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Re: Spell-like abilities

Postby Perceval » Sun Jan 12, 2014 11:12 pm

http://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/SRD:Specia ... s_Overview


These could be useful.
By reading them, it looks like spell-like abilities can be interrupted.
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Re: Spell-like abilities

Postby SyntheticGod8 » Sat Jan 18, 2014 5:18 am

Perceval, I'd argue that those are specific to later editions of D&D and the limitations there make quite a bit of sense.

However, Advanced LL doesn't have AoOs specifically as written. I believe that the only listed AoOs are when someone runs or moves away from combat without using a Fighting Retreat (opponents get a free hit at +4 to hit, recipient gets no shield bonus to AC) and to interrupt a spell being cast (though not technically an AoO, casting broadcasts your intention). However, if a caster wins initiative over anyone who could hit him, though, he's got nothing to worry about. Now, I'm also including in my game the idea of a 5' step and an AoO for trying to move through a threatened square, but that's pretty much it. Should there be a special AoO rule that casting a spell-like ability in LL provokes an AoO, even though ordinary spells do not? Perhaps they broadcast their intention to cast some other way? Either way, if they win initiative that round, do they get their spell off, even if the enemy readies an action to hit them?

Besides few AoO rules, there's no rules for readying an action. Technically they can, but if spell-like abilities are a standard action instead of the normal casting time, who would think to try to counter-spell with a Dispel Magic? I suppose, after the first time, PCs would have to. Would a preemptive Dispel Magic prevent a Demon from using a spell-like ability? More importantly, what methods or spells are there of preventing a Demon or Devil from teleporting away from a losing fight?

So I think I'll do it as:

- Using a spell-like ability only requires a standard action to cast, does not have gestures, or require spoken words.
- An Anti-Magic Field prevents a spell-like ability from being cast or used within the field.
- A Dispel Magic spell can disrupt any on-going effect and be used to counter a spell-like ability being cast.
- Consequently, a spell-like caster cannot be Silenced, can cast while being Held or otherwise bound or prone.
- Spell-like casting an only be prevented by readying an action to hit the spell-like caster with a Dispel Magic or a weapon.

Does this make sense?
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