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Frightful Hobgoblin

PostPosted: Mon Jun 13, 2011 4:22 am
by austrodavicus

I'd like to introduce the Anglo-French alliance that is Frightful Hobgoblin, a new publishing venture between Nicolas "Snorri" Dessaux and myself (aka David "Greyharp" Macauley).

We have just released the English translation of Nico's Epées & Sorcellerie RPG (see the official announcement for links) and it is available through Lulu as a free pdf and an "at cost" 8.5x11 paperback.

Nico is currently working on a new game, with feedback from the French gaming community, called Adventures Fantastiques, which you can read about on our blog (linked above). He describes it as a merging of B/X and Advanced, the sweet spot many gamers are looking for.

There are other products in the works and possible submissions from other authors. Nico is also cleaning up for re-release his free Labyrinth Lord supplement, the 32-page Creatures from Unknown Lands.