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Fantasy warriors: How powerful can you tolerate them being?

PostPosted: Tue Jun 14, 2011 8:16 am
by Agrippa
In much of the pulp stories that inspired D&D it's warrior heroes were highly accomplished men, but still limted to just above-average human skill. Yet in certain works of modern fiction and ancient mythology, I'm looking you Irish Myths there are quitre a few warriors with superhuman skill and ability. Perhaps this is an innate power that took time developing with in the hero or is the result of intense training and bestowment. From Captain America to Cu Chulainn these combatants are great physical powerhouses, practically gods amung men. So the question is this, what are your limits for fantasy heroes? Are they at most more like heroes from the old pulps, such as the great Conan or those of Irish Myth, namely Cu Chulainn? There are no wrong answers for this one, it's all just a matter of opinion.

Re: Fantasy warriors: How powerful can you tolerate them bei

PostPosted: Tue Jun 14, 2011 6:52 pm
by gentleman john
I can tolerate them up to the level of the heroes of the Tain bo Culhain and the Red Branch. Mind you, I was brought up on those tales and was familiar with them long before I was familiar with the likes of Conan and Fafhrd.

If you want some really high-powered heroes, though, you haven't reached the top of the list. You could try such heroes as those listed in the Bhagavad Gita or Journey to the West. Those really break the limits. After all, if you can fly around in a magic conveyance that can change form between that of a crystal cloud and a naked beauty (of either sex) while devastating continents with a sweep of your hand - you've made it baby!

Re: Fantasy warriors: How powerful can you tolerate them bei

PostPosted: Tue Jun 14, 2011 10:48 pm
by Bob
I pretty much based my idea of the fantasy warrior on the knights of the Round Table in Malory's version of the King Arthur tales. I added more "fantastic" prototypes later.

Re: Fantasy warriors: How powerful can you tolerate them bei

PostPosted: Sat Jul 23, 2011 2:06 pm
by DavetheLost
A lot of it for me depends on the story or game. If the style and scope is epic I have no problem with heroes like Beowulf who swims seas in chain mail while wrestling sea monsters. Such a hero would be out of place even among the knights of Camelot, although they did perform some mighty deeds.

In general the level of Greek myth, Beowulf, and the Neibelung are about as high powered as I enjoy. Camelot, Elric (funny how he started out as the anti-Conan until he got that sword).

I have a great love of normal human and slightly above heroes, low level characters in game terms, but if the monsters are big enough, bring on the superheroes.