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Myth & Magic Kickstarter

PostPosted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 12:09 am
by redwullf
Are there any others here who participated in the New Haven Games Myth & Magic Kickstarters (Player's Guide and GM's Guide)?

I'm trying to generate some sort of action on this entire Charlie Foxtrot of a project. I want to believe that Tom Ryan means well (or at least meant well, at one point), and that something really difficult and unforeseen has befallen him. I really want to believe this. But, on the other hand, I just want the damn books or my damn money back. I've heard of similar horror stories, such as the now-legendary Dwimmermount saga.

Re: Myth & Magic Kickstarter

PostPosted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 12:41 am
by Blood axe
Kickstarter is really starting to get me down. Unfortunately the law has not kept up with technology. Maybe one day. There are many Kickstarters that seem to fall through. Some projects the money is misappropriated, squandered, whatever...and some are outright scams. Its fraud. These people should be forced to refund the money or face jail time. But it seems that Kickstarter & Amazon get their cut, so they don't care.

Im really sorry for your troubles RedWulf. You wanted to back a good gaming book. Too bad the person seems to be so dishonest.

I know how you feel. I backed Mike Nystul's Cairn RPG. I doubt we will ever see anything. Some of you may remember "Nystuls Magic Aura" , aMagic-user spell in the Players Handbook. Im crossing it out of my book in disgrace.

I hope things work out for you RedWulf.

Re: Myth & Magic Kickstarter

PostPosted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 4:10 am
by redwullf
Thanks, Blood axe. I'm don't believe we're being scammed. Backers did receive the Player's Guide PDF, so there's no doubt that a product has been written (and it's really quite good). There have been pictures of proofs from the printers. So, I believe there really was honest intention of creating these books and sending them to backers. But, sometime right after the 2nd Kickstarter (for the GM Guide) finished, the author just sort of fell off the face of the Earth, only to reappear briefly with talk of challenges at home and at work, etc., etc. But, this has been going on since about September of last year, and now we haven't heard from the guy (Tom Ryan) in over 2 months, even though his last update (2 months ago) promised that things were still underway.

The real crime (other than absconding with 40,000 dollars of other people's hard-earned money) is that now I've come to disdain Kickstarters and won't really back anything anymore. And, of course, harm to Kickstarter itself, which directly or indirectly, suffers a hit to its credibility.

Anyway, perhaps there will still be books someday, but if there are others in the same boat with me, I'd love to hear from you. I'd like "get the word out" into the OSR community to see if, perhaps, we can light some fires and get some activity, or at least a response.