The Smoldering Wizard

Old-school Roleplaying

Random OD&D Dungeon Solo Play Report #4 - The Adventures of Graf the Warrior

October 16, 2021 — Doug

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In our last session, Graf the Veteran got lucky and left the dungeon with a 6,000gp jewel, more than enough to level up. Back in town, he upgraded his armor to plate, purchased a short bow, a lantern and some oil, and set about trying to hire some help.

In OD&D, retainers are classed and leveled help that a PC can hire to accompany them on adventures, for a share of the loot. The rules stipulate some expenses, but "the referee must determine expenditures". However, in the section on hiring specialists and mercenaries, a guide of 100-600gp is given for advertising expenses, so I used that to make it easy.

Graf spent 100gp and had two potential hires present themselves - a Cleric and a Magic-User. Graf offered 200gp up-front to each and a 1/3-share of any treasure. The Cleric was insulted by Graf's offer, but the MU reacted favorably, and agreed to accompany him back to the dungeon. Total expenses for Graf: 417gp.

I perused my stash of index card characters, and pulled out Shal the Medium, with a 15 INT, giving her an extra 1st-level spell under my house rules. She memorized sleep and hold-portal, and headed out to the dungeon with Graf. For this I was using the Monster & Treasure assortment and the AD&D 1e DMG random dungeon generation tables.


The Chronicles of Nolenor Play Report #28 - The Harvest Fair

August 16, 2021 — Doug

Real dates: 11/10/19 In-game dates: November 23rd, EY632


Ambrose (Swashbuckler – Fighter L5)

Roger (Woodsman – Warden L4)



Figgish (Thief L1 - Squire to Ambrose)


Random OD&D Dungeon Solo Play Report #3 - The Riches of Graf the Veteran

July 11, 2021 — Doug

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For this session I rolled up Graf the Veteran. He was light on starting gold, and so was outfitted with chain armor, a spear and a sling, with 12 torches, rations and a flask of oil in his backpack. He started with 3hp.


Random OD&D Dungeon Solo Play Report #2 - Freya versus the Undead

June 25, 2021 — Doug

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For this session I rolled up Freya the Acolyte. She was outfitted with plate, shield, mace and the usual assortment of dungeoneering equipment, and had 3hp. Again I'm using the 3LBBs as written, with the Strategic Review random dungeon tables and the Monster & Treasure Assortment as needed.


Random OD&D Dungeon Solo Play Report #1 - Delth's Folly

June 21, 2021 — Doug

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I've been running OD&D solo sessions on and off for the past few months, as I have some time and the inclination I roll up a PC and run through a random dungeon crawl. I'm sticking to the three 3LBBs with some other bits from the same time period:

  • The Strategic Review Issue #1 "Solo Dungeon Adventures".

  • D&D Monster and Treasure Assortment (useful not only for monsters and treasure, but for the "Treasure is contained/guarded/hidden by/in" tables.

  • The revised underworld wandering monster tables from the Greyhawk Supplement (this is all I'm using from that supplement), just to give a bit more variety.

  • Various unstocked maps, as needed.