Pirates and Dinosaurs! The Savage Tide on RPoL.net

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Pirates and Dinosaurs! The Savage Tide on RPoL.net

Postby Surfing HalfOrc » Sat Feb 05, 2011 4:47 am

OK, I set this game up about a year ago, and it's been going great ever since. It seems I have lost one of my regular players, so I am looking for a replacement player. The character is Saemul Silvastri, bard.

Handy Link: http://www.rpol.net/game.cgi?gi=40665&date=1296875632

Right now we're at six players, including Saemul. I have been playing Saemul, but as DM I have an advantage that I try very hard to not use.

Either let me know in this thread, or at RPoL.net.

Thanks for looking!
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Re: Pirates and Dinosaurs! The Savage Tide on RPoL.net

Postby OldSchool » Sun Feb 06, 2011 7:40 pm

Seems like it could be fun!
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Re: Pirates and Dinosaurs! The Savage Tide on RPoL.net

Postby Surfing HalfOrc » Sun Feb 06, 2011 11:35 pm

It's been a blast so far! I took the last Dungeon Magazine Adventure path, and just subbed out monsters from LL, AEC, Basic/Expert and the original MM, FF, MM2 and some stuff I make up as I go along based on experience.

We're about to raid the Lotus Dragon's thieves' guild, so I can also insert a couple new players at the guild's holding cells. Sammy is already in the game, with a written up character sheet.

Let me know either here, or send me a message at RPoL.net.
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Re: Pirates and Dinosaurs! The Savage Tide on RPoL.net

Postby Surfing HalfOrc » Thu Mar 24, 2011 1:21 am

Drat! I've lost another player to real life!

I have openings for two players, or possibly more. Our Bard Saemul Silvestri and one of our Clerics Frasier Glowmark have had to drop out for their own reasons. We still have four players, but I would like to fill these two positions.

I will also allow new and original characters. Our current party includes:
Bernhard Wolffe; Human fighter
Puck Brandywine; Halfling Thief
Mueller; HalfOgre Magic User
Brion Pendrake; Human Cleric

Please let me know if you are interested.
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Re: Pirates and Dinosaurs! The Savage Tide on RPoL.net

Postby Surfing HalfOrc » Fri Oct 14, 2011 2:47 am

Bumping and recruiting! Saemul is all the way dead, and one player hasn't posted in a bit.

We are at the end of a major section, and will have a bit of down time before leaving for the Isle of Dread! (Yes, THAT Isle of Dread!)

Current Team:
Bernhard: Fighter
Hop Frog: Dwarf Fighter
Mueller: Half-Ogre Wizard
Puck: Halfling Thief
Glimni: Gnome Illusionist
Brion: Cleric (currently being NPCed)

I'd like to pass the cleric reins to someobe else. I am hoping Hop Frog comes back, but he hasnt posted since we entered the Vanderboren Mansion.

Of course, if you have a character you want to play that's new, now is the time to sign on!
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Re: Pirates and Dinosaurs! The Savage Tide on RPoL.net

Postby Surfing HalfOrc » Mon Dec 19, 2011 1:23 am

And time for New Year's Recruiting!
The game is still ongoing, but I've lost a couple more players to "Real Life." Here is the current lineup and status:

Bernhard Wolff: Fighter, playing but somewhat busy in real life. Bernhard made the FIRST in character post, and has been playing the longest, so I'm cutting him much slack.
Puck Brandywine: Halfling Thief, Actively posting
Mueller: Half Ogre wizard, a little quiet lately but still in the game
Brion Pendragon: Cleric, currently being played my me. Willing to hand him off to someone else.
Galeon: Ranger. Newest full time player.

Leaving/left the game:
Glimni Mibbiwicket:Gnome Illusionist. Missing in action. Glimni's player hasn't said he was leaving, but he hasn't posted in quite a while. I'm about to write him out of the game. If you want him, I can just as easily write him back in.
Hop-Frog Berbatov: Dwarf Fighter. Hop-Frog's player has done me the courtesy of officially leaving the game.

Additionally, the two ships in the game are colonist ships, making it very easy to insert a new PC. We have a "Basic Team" of Fighter/Cleric/Thief/Magic User/(+1 Ranger), but we could always use more in any/all areas.

Let me know if you are interested!

EDIT: Sorry, forgot to add mention. Currently everyone is at level 4, and should be level 5-6 by the time we reach Farshore off the coast of the Isle of Dread.
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