Red Eye

KJC's pbp game

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Re: Red Eye

Postby greyarea » Fri Oct 04, 2013 7:31 pm


I knew nothing of the murders until I got here. I flew out for a security conference through work. Heard about the deaths from others in the biz -- one sec.

Kevin flags down the stewardess, flashes his badge and says, Does the Sky Marshall need help with the drunks? Let me know if he does. We can get them squared away for you. Also, can I get a Schlitz when you get the chance. Thanks.

When she leaves, he continues, So... right, the murders. It was the buzz of the conference by day three. I didn't see anything until it hit the papers and then it was all nuts. When I got that drink in the club and later found out about that poor girl in the dumpster, I mean, that happened just near me. Coulda been me in that dumpster, for all I know. I don't work the murder beat -- I'm usually investigating kidnappings -- so it's rare that I see anything that crazy and if there's danger, I'm usually well aware that I'm stepping in it, know what I mean? I don't think of it when I'm grabbing a cold one -- thanks miss, he says, accepting the drink and putting it on the tray table. You know? You're out relaxing and taking in some of the night life and this? Ain't what I'm expecting, that's for sure.
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Re: Red Eye

Postby badams30 » Fri Oct 04, 2013 8:08 pm

Whiplash - Totally Awesome ROCKSTAR!

Whiplash tilts his sunglasses up on his head and nods at Scott - "The name's Whiplash." And in Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure style, does a wild air guitar riff for emphasis. "Nice to meet you, Scott. With a cool accent like that, you must be pullin' all the honeys." He tugs at his hair and says "Yeah, man. It's real hair and AquaNet. And yeah, murder. Wild, huh? Those suits up there are discussin' it. I think they're ignoring us. No matter. Hey, let's take a pull of that Jack, what say ya?"

If no one answers his question/comment about the club, he'll continue to stare at the guys up front with quizzical interest.
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Re: Red Eye

Postby Miraje » Fri Oct 04, 2013 8:21 pm

Scott Blake

Responding to Whiplash, starting to move back to where he left his bag:

Yeah, my accent - it's, uh, Australian. I've got to get some, uh, Dramamine out of my bag. Be right back. Thanks for the whisky.

Looking over his shoulder at the serious group of men at the front of the plane, Scott hurries back and grabs his bag. Moving more slowly back to the front, he pauses and rummages in an overhead bin, pulling out a blanket and laying it over the mess he made on two of the seats. He waits until the stewardess has finished serving one of the men his beer before making his way back up front.

So, Whiplash - those guys are peelers? I mean, police?
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Re: Red Eye

Postby Rapax » Sat Oct 05, 2013 5:31 pm

After determining that the drunks in the back of the plane pose no threat to the other passengers, Murphy makes his way back to his seat in business class, taking the aisle that the stewardess is servicing and slaps her on the tush as he passes.
Maria turns and exclaims Murphy!, I am trying to work here
The anger is feigned though, because she smiles knowingly before she turns back to the passenger.
Murphy grins as he eases back into his seat looks like the mile high club today, he mutters to himself.
Last edited by Rapax on Sun Oct 06, 2013 5:38 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Red Eye

Postby Miraje » Sat Oct 05, 2013 7:20 pm

Scott Blake

to himself, looking up front
Thank Christ that bloke stopped staring at me - now if only this daff chap here would just wind his neck in and get back with the drinking...
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Re: Red Eye

Postby kjc » Sat Oct 05, 2013 8:16 pm

Business Class
"Excuse me Sir, let me help you with that." The stewardess smiles as she reaches into Murphy's lap. "Looks like you need adjusting," she says softly as she reaches for his safety restraint. Pulling it roughly with suprising strength until it is far too tight, she smiles sweetly. "You... never...called me... Murph. Now why would you go and make me angry....?
Before she can finish there is an uproar from the rear of the plane. The sound of retching followed by cries of alarm and disgust from coach cause the pretty stewardess to hang her head. Looking up at Murphy she sighs,"I LOVE my job...time to clean the puke..."
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Re: Red Eye

Postby kjc » Sat Oct 05, 2013 8:56 pm

The stewardess enters coach to be greeted by the stench of vomit. Nearly all of the passengers there were gagging and covering their faces with what ever they could find to dull the smell. Some of those sitting in the aisle seats jumped to their feet, hoping to avoid any collateral splash. Those standing were roughly shoved aside by a Joan Collins/Dynasty wannabe who was marching towards First Class.

"THIS IS AN OUTRRRAGE!" she bellows, (rolling her "R"s for dramatic emphasis). " First this "cut rate" airline places me, Iona BRRRadford, star of stage and screen (forgetting to roll all her "R"s this time) "amongst the chattel. Now this RRRufian regurgitates in my presence! Stewardess, fetch my baggage!"

Fighting to smile past the grimace brought on by the smell, Maria does her best to remain professional."All right, would everyone please gather their belongings and move to a seat in business class. We apologise for the inconvenience, we will have everything tidied up soon." Seeing Scott throwing a blanket over his "mess" she adds "Yes sir, thank you, that is very helpful."
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Re: Red Eye

Postby Miraje » Sat Oct 05, 2013 9:28 pm

:oops: inaudible mumble eyes averted :oops:
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Re: Red Eye

Postby Rapax » Sun Oct 06, 2013 12:16 am

Hrumph!... Maria's just playin hard to get, Murphy mumbled to himself as he loosened his seat belt as a half dozen people with their carry on baggage passed him on their way to the empty seats in the front of business class, some few lucky ones to first class.
He decided to move back to coach...the rancid smell was an amixture of alcohol combined with airline dinner, but it wasn't that bad, Murphy mused... compared to the things he had smelled in the past, it wasn't that bad at all.
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Re: Red Eye

Postby Miraje » Mon Oct 07, 2013 1:46 am


Settling into his seat, trying to ignore everything, mumbling still to himself.

Red eyes. Red eye flight. Huh. Rats. No, still... damn, I need sleep... zzzzz
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