initiative and movement

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initiative and movement

Postby BlackSimon » Sun Mar 29, 2015 1:43 pm

I am a bit confused about initiative and that you have to plan your movement before initiative. Let's take this situation: Our hero enters the room with 3 skeletons facing him. Skeletons may move 20' in combat, so since one space is 5', this would be 4 squares. Let's say our hero can move 6 squares. Both sides are surprised. Now everyone would have to declare where he wants to move to. The Hero could reach the yellow skeleton, so he decides to go there and attack it in this turn. The red and green skeletons decide to move towards the hero, though they won't reach him in this turn due to their slow movement. For whatever reason, the yellow skeletons tries to reach the exit on the eastern wall. Now initiative is rolled and the skeletons win, so they can take their turn first. After they have moved, the Hero takes his turn. Now what does he do?

1- Is he allowed to change his movement route so that he could then still attack the yellow skeleton, since he declared to attack it? (Technically it would be still in his range)

2- Is he forced to move the declared route (to the space adjacent to where the yellow skeleton stood before) but has to stop midway because the red skeleton now blocks this route?

3- Like 2nd, but he gets to attack the red skeleton?
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Re: initiative and movement

Postby bighara » Wed Apr 01, 2015 7:53 pm

This might help:

From LL53: "Players must announce that their characters will move during a melee round, and they must make this announcement prior to the initiative roll."

The purpose of this is to announce that you intend to move, not where or how far. If you do not announce your intention to move, then you won't be able to after the initiative roll. So in a case like the one you describe, the hero could declare his intention to move and then adjust accordingly after the actions begin.

FWIW, I don't use the declaration part. I just have them roll init and go to it. :?
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