Warhammer RPG ideas.

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Warhammer RPG ideas.

Postby Blood axe » Fri Mar 18, 2011 5:33 pm

One thing I like about the Warhammer RPG is the starting "classes". You dont really control where your character starts. But you can control where your character goes in the future. So you can start as a lowly Peasant, simple Farmer, a dirty Chimney- sweep or a smelly Dung-collector. Even glorious jobs like Grave-Robber, Rat-catcher, Slave or Ex-convict.
You get a certain amount of equipment, money & skills. I like it because it can really help a player develop the characters background & personality.
You arent suck at your starting "career"- you can move onto something else- they are called "career exits". You get a certain amount of XP and you can change careers. I think its a neat little system. I might just try and convert it to d20 and try it here.

Here are a few things to give you an idea of what Im talking about.
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Re: Warhammer RPG ideas.

Postby Blood axe » Fri Mar 18, 2011 5:34 pm

Huge number of "careers"!

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Re: Warhammer RPG ideas.

Postby Blood axe » Fri Mar 18, 2011 5:35 pm


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Re: Warhammer RPG ideas.

Postby Blood axe » Fri Mar 18, 2011 5:36 pm

All tremble before the mighty Farmer & Peasant!!

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Re: Warhammer RPG ideas.

Postby Blood axe » Fri Mar 18, 2011 5:42 pm

You can gain XP and move onto more "adventure-minded" careers like the Outlaw or Militiaman.

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Re: Warhammer RPG ideas.

Postby bighara » Fri Mar 18, 2011 6:03 pm

I heart the WFRP career system. It is a pretty, pretty thing. But it meshes with the WFRP system so well that I would just play that (2e) instead of kitbashing it onto another system. YMMV.
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Re: Warhammer RPG ideas.

Postby Blood axe » Fri Mar 18, 2011 6:05 pm

I have all three editions of the Warhammer RPG. I "Might" play a game here- and most of the people are familiar with d20 & LL.

I could always just "keep them in the dark" and have the game mechanics secret. They just role-play, choose actions, etc,etc.
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Re: Warhammer RPG ideas.

Postby connivingsumo » Fri Mar 25, 2011 12:40 am

Interesting idea!

So, looking at your scans, I saw the class 'Fisherman'. How would you gain experience in that class - enough so that you could move on to a more adventurous class like an outlaw, or "winged lancer"?
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Re: Warhammer RPG ideas.

Postby Mach Front » Fri Mar 25, 2011 1:18 am

connivingsumo wrote:So, looking at your scans, I saw the class 'Fisherman'. How would you gain experience in that class - enough so that you could move on to a more adventurous class like an outlaw, or "winged lancer"?

If you mean in the actual Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay game, once you have all the 'advances' shown in the careers profile, you can then select your next career from one of the career 'exits'. For example, one can go from Peasant to Outlaw because Outlaw is one of the career exits of Peasant.

But, careers are not like D&D's classes.
Warhammer 1st ed. had classes. The classes are guides to the careers you either choose or are saddled with. The careers give you your weapon skill, your skills in this and in that. (Second edition deleted the classes and in character generation you choose or rolled your beginning career from a complete list, rather than a class-based career list.)

In other words, no matter the edition, Warhammer takes longer to do what D&D already does (class with a decent background given by the player give all these skills and cover all the same assumptions). But some feel it gives a lot of flavor. I dig Warhammer, but it feels bizarre to me to be jumping from career to career to career to career when you're 'busy' being an adventurer.
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Re: Warhammer RPG ideas.

Postby Mach Front » Fri Mar 25, 2011 1:23 am

connivingsumo wrote:I saw the class 'Fisherman'. How would you gain experience in that class - enough so that you could move on to a more adventurous class like an outlaw, or "winged lancer"?

I just realized... are you actually asking how one would gain experience being a fisherman so that they were able to be a more adventurous sort?
In case that's what you meant:

Again, careers aren't classes. They're just simply your background and help define what your character is good at and what he knows. A fisherman on an adventure is every bit the sword-swinger as is a former militiaman (just that the militiaman will be slightly better at swinging the sword and that's balanced with the other skills a fisherman will have that the militiaman will not).

So, again, IMO, the same as D&D, just finer granularity. Two fighters. One grew up in a fishing village. Another was part of the local town guard. Both have appropriate skills. Done. Same thing.
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